fredag 7 mars 2014

Hard work and alot of love!

Another great and inspiring day has gone by and I'm enjoying a quiet moment by my self in my big-bang room. I still feel the adrenalin pumping from todays sessions. Interpretation, improvisation, ornamentations! Fear, happiness, excitement... Love it.

Last week I had the pleasure to spend a few days togheter with my dear friend Michaela. I took her to our CVI-opening concert which I think we both enjoyed very much. We also did some necessary dancing and sightseeing and tried out a few restaurants and bars in Copenhagen. We had a great time, sometimes we laught so hard so we almost pied in our pants. Yeah, sometimes when life is hard on us, we really just need... a hotdog! (Sorry for the inside stuff)

These first weeks here in Copenhagen have been amazing. New sounds, voices, harmonies, friends... The power of music gives me some kind of wonderful fuel. I'm smiling like a crazy person. Today when I came home from school I just stoped infront of "a home for elderly" and waived to a lady who sat by the window in her rocking chair. She slowly took up her hand and gave me a "hey" gesture. Poor lady, she must have been wondering what kind of weird person this is... :) Well, I just hope I made her feel less alone for a second. But still I might need to find anoher way to share my energy?? :)

It's not only the music that makes me feel good. It's the people I've met here. I live with these easy-going, caring, funny people. They love pancakes and are very talkative! I sing with these most supporting and loving people. They are my inspiration. My morning hugs! 

Comments on my siinging with a pianist/ karaoke track

 I have also got my own practice place. A church! Yes, I got a whole church where I can sing and play piano, if I wish. Tonight I will participate in a Flamenco singing workshop. Can´t wait!

 Now I just need to get a bike and see my sweetheart Thomas Högnabba! Will you please come and visit me soon?

Have a nice weekend!

Kram till mina vänner och min familj hemma i Finn-landet and hugs to my friends who still travels around the world!


4 kommentarer:

  1. Hello! If you are extremely kind and save one piece of pancake for me too, I might actually come and see you next week! The ball is yours, it's up to you how you play it! :)

  2. I didn't just save one, I actually have like.. 5 left!! But you know.. a woman has got to eat!

    Puss/ Frida

  3. Ouu, sou juu gajs onli spiiik inglisch nauw? Dät is veeeri intresting, sins aj lajk to spiik inglisch too! Djöst look ät majj vraitingskills, dejj aar ameizing! :P Aj´m veri häppi to heer ju häv a grejt tajm i coop forum. Ouu, sårri. Copenhagen, Frida. Juu vill be getting a lettör fråm mii soon. Ajj just niid to sörvaiv majj fainöl exsäääms, too big vons dis viik, änd aj häv to wörk too!. Pjuh. Böt ajj will mejk it! Hugs fråam jåår von änd onli; Ida. <3

    1. Tänk yöu Ida! ♡ Frida
